Hot Wheels debuted with a roar in 1968, and ignited the excitement of a generation! Over the years, one particular group of cars has captured the hearts of collectors like no other: castings released to Red Line Club members with Spectraflame Pink paint
You'll notice the striking Spectraflame Pink paint job on this casting, and there's a specific reason for it. Hot Wheels designer Brendon Vetusky elaborates on this particular tradition. "The Pink 'Party' Cars have a long history in the RLC line. The Pink part of it, I believe, ties back to the legacy of the rare Pink Redline Era Hot Wheels cars. Not as many of those survived over they years, so they have become extra collectible as a result."
Adding to that, graphic designer Steve Vandervate says, "They wear a consistent Spectraflame Pink and White + Red Line deco to unify the theme. We do other pink cars occasionally, but they intentionally don’t look anything like the 'Party' Cars."
Also asked about the choice of this casting... "Pink Cadillac!" Vetuskey says immediately. "Pink Cadillacs are a thing, and have been for many years. You see them in pop culture as featured in TV and movies, and songs are written about them, too. So it seemed fitting that since Hot Wheels offer a Pink Party Car, why not offer up a Pink Cadillac? Besides, the Custom Eldorado is a great casting, so this was an opportunity to bring it back into the line and let it shine."
Some Hot Wheels fans might want this casting because they're completists who want to collect one of each of these unique Spectraflame Pink offerings. And if you're specifically an Eldorado fan, you'll definitely be knocked off your feet by this edition!
Features: Opening hood
Body Color: Spectraflame Pink
Deco: Gloss White roof; Red Line Club logo on sides
Body Type: ZAMAC
Wheels: Neo-Classics Redline wheels
Base: Full-metal, chrome-plated chassis and engine
Window Color: Light Blue-tinted
Interior Color: Pearl White
Scale 1:64
Original Release Date: 11/2/2021
Limited and Exclusive Edition
Highly collectible
Age Recommendation: Intended for Adult Collectors - Age 14+
Packaged on an illustrated blister card and packed in a Kar Keepers clamshell case
Packaged and Shipped with Love :)
All new Collectible Vehicles will be shipped in a box, never shipped in a padded envelope
2020 Mattel